Infogrid Pacific Supports ePub3

24 February 2013

ePub3, Specification, Opinion, Tutorials

Infogrid Pacific is an ardent support of ePub3. Standards matter. A bit of a standard is better than no standard (Standards are like sex. Some standards are better than no standards). On a previous post Bill McCoy posted a comment asking for details of the criticisms I make of ePub3.

Infogrid Pacific is an ardent support of ePub3. Standards matter. A bit of a standard is better than no standard (Standards are like sex. Some standards are better than no standards).

On my previous post Why Do We Need ePub3?, Bill McCoy the Chairman of the IDPF posted a comment asking for details of the criticisms I make of ePub3. The answer to this question is not a set of abstract notes or theories. It's about hands-on grunge.

The observations (my preferred term) are documented online in detail, although to be fair they are not in the blog and they are a little spread-out in tutorials on how to get the most out of ePub3. A practioner approach. Many of these were written before the Readium project was even started. When AZARDI was THE ePub3 reading system.

ePub3 Strategies for Publishers

As a commercial organization delivering digital content strategies, technology, plus production solutions and deliverables to many publishers, we have to think clearly and make our position exactly understood so they can make coherent business decisions. We get asked a lot - should we be making ePub3s?

Our opinions on the benefits and weaknesses of ePub3 are not theoretical or even opinion. They are based on practical experience creating thousands of the damn things. I state often and clearly and over again that we are practioners and work with the tools and specifications we have. Small organizations don't have the capacity to do everything, but we do have the capability to do what we do well.

When using standards and specifications we are the equivalent of the reader who buys the published book of the shelf. We are not editors labouring over the submitted manuscript and endless copy and proofing edits that goes into publishing of excellence. We are still allowed to give our opinion of the book.

The Source of the Plaintive Voice

So it's time to publish a reasonably complete list on our various discussions, tutorials and position statements on ePub3. Probably no other organization has such a comprehensive list of practical documents online about getting down and making an ePub3. Certainly not from such an early date in the ePub3 life-cycle.

Where appropriate the various articles highlight the problems and weaknesses with ePub3 specification and try to offer work-arounds, or at least warning bells. It is better to do this in a practical environment than as an academic exercise.

Warning, this is a lot of links! From here on down it is more like a library catalog than a work of literary genius.

ePub3 World

We recently started a page to promote ePub3 independently of our own business. There are only a few books there now, notably none from any Indian digitization company (they never give anything away).

Check it out here. ePub3 World

ePub3 Reader Design Philosophy Discussion

This set of articles probably has the most directly critical statements of ePub3 as we designed AZARDI. But each criticism has a reason statement with respect to application development decision making.

Designing an ePub3 Reader - Section introduction. Considerations and approach when designing an ePub3 reader. Updated: 2012-11-16

AZARDI-The ePub3 Features Map. What ePub3 specification features should be included in AZARDI and why Updated: 2012-11-16

AZARDI-Development Framework. When creating software the platform and programming language choices have to be made. Updated: 2012-11-16

The AZARDI User Interface. Interface design and content interaction is non-trivial and needs serious consideration and testing. Some notes on our design process and decision making. Updated: 2012-11-24

AZARDI and ePub3 Fixed Layout. Working out how fixed layout will work on a range of devices and platforms, deliver the expections of both publishers and readers and take it to a higher level. Updated: 2012-11-24

AZARDI-Unique Reader Features. A description of the features in AZARDI that make it different from other readers and the most suitable reader for education and learning content both in the classroom and on personal devices. Updated: 2012-11-24

ePub3 Standard Production Resources

The Using epub:type document in this set is particularly important.

ePub 3. This is the ePub3 Formats Unit on APEX@IGP. This Unit contains a number of articles on different aspects of ePub3 production, ownership and use. Updated: 2012-07-28

The ePub 3 Package, ePub3 Packaging-1 This first topic is a quick overview of a standard ePub3 package Updated: 2012-07-28

The Open Packaging Format file. ePub3 Packaging 2 discusses and illustrates the OPF or Open Packaging Format in detail with discussion about the big three structures: metadata, the manifest and the spine and the essential Unique Identifier Updated: 2012-07-28

The Manifest. ePub Packaging-3. ePub3 Packaging-3 discusses the manifest in detail. This is a critical component for Reading Systems to understand what is in the package, and whether they can use that contents. This topic discusses some of the more complex manifest structures. These are supported by demonstration ePub3 resources Updated: 2012-07-28

The Navigation File ePub 3 Packaging-4. This section discusses the various navigation options in ePub3 in detail including Table of Contents, Landmarks, Page navigation and other navigation structures Updated: 2012-07-28

The files. ePub3 Packaging-5 Updated: 2012-07-28

ePub3 Tagging Exemplars. ePub 3 Packaging-6 Tagging pattern samples make it easy to understand the package Updated: 2012-07-28

ePub 3 SMIL Packaging. ePub 3 Packaging-7 It's easy-ish! Updated: 2012-07-28

Using epub:type. The epub:type property enhances the value and accessibility of ePub3 files. This article discusses how IPG:Digital Publisher processes IGP:FoundationXHTML to apply comprehensive epub:type properties  Updated: 2012-11-13

Spine order in ePub. Discussion and advice on spine ordering and organizing the section sequence order in ePub2 and ePub3. Updated: 2012-11-13

ePub3 Fixed Layout Production Resources

Fixed Layout ePub. This unit contains information and tutorial articles on fixed layout ePub3 production. The focus is on using IGP:Digital Publisher as the production environment, but also apply to other manual methods. Updated: 2012-10-29

Fixed Layout Setup. Quickstart getting setup and started tutorial, guidelines, hints and tricks when using the IDPF fixed layout tools in IGP:Digital Publisher. Updated: 2012-10-29

Fixed Layout Property Reference. A list of all the fixed layout properties for general reference in a cut and paste format.  Updated: 2012-10-29

Fixed Layout Page Sizes. How big should fixed layout pages be for various presentation environments and devices. Updated: 2012-10-29

Fixed Layout Aspect Ratio. A disussion on understanding the effect of viewport aspect ratio when designing fixed layout ePubs for different devices. Updated: 2012-10-31

Configuring FLO Spine Properties. A tutorial on using the Fixed Layout Configuration options in IGP:Digital Publisher to instruct Formats on Demand how to assemble your ePub with Spine properties. Updated: 2012-10-31

Fixed Layout Test books. A range of aspect ratio and viewport size books exploring the various options in the IDPF Fixed Layout Specification and a discussion on design decisions. Updated: 2012-10-31

Famous Paintings. Information and tutorial on how we made the IDPF ePub3 Fixed layout demonstration book. Modified: 2012-12-12

The Story Behind Antonio's Tale. Information and rationals on creating a simple interactive IDPF ePub3 Fixed layout performance and feature demonstration book. Modified: 2013-01-05

The Set of Articles on Font Issues and CSS

Fonts and Typography in Digital Content. This Unit introduction is an overview of fonts in digital content. It covers various tips and techniques for using fonts and typographic strategies in non-print digital content such as e-books, ePub and other presentation environments Updated: 2012-09-14

Open Source Font List. Currently it is generally only possible to use open source fonts for embedding in ePub files and for use on with websites. This is a resource list to access a useful list of open source fonts. All of these fonts are provided by default in IGP:Font Manager 2. Updated: 15 Sep 2012

CSS-3 Font Properties. Fonts in digital content take on considerable horsepower with CSS-3 font properties. This is about using fonts in ePub3 that conform to the IDPF ePub3 specification and using fonts online where browsers conform to the appropriate W3C specification. Updated: 2012-08-05

Font Subsetting. Fonts in e-books are starting to grow up fast. The main sticking point at present is font foundry policies on embedded fonts in ePub. The IGP:Digital Publisher font packaging strategy now includes font sub-setting (just like a PDF), abstract naming, WOFF conversion and obfuscation. Updated: 2012-08-05

OTF FONT FEATURES AND GLYPHS. OTF font features are now available for the digital content production environment. They are not used yet, but there is no reason why they shouldn't be. There are enough significant Open Source OTF fonts of quality to make it at least worth being familiar with the tools and techniques. Updated: 2012-08-05

Megalopolis Characters and Glyphs. The MEgalopolis Font spread open. View the characters, glyphs and metadata.  Megalopolis is available at SMeltery is a French font factory founded in 2002 by Jack Usine to show and share his typographic investigations. Updated: 2012-08-05

Linux Libertine Characters andGlyphs. Linux LIbertine is a valuable font family created by Philipp H. Poll. The are license under the SIL open font license. This page shows the Characters and Glyphs available in the Linux Libertine Regular font-face. Updated: 2012-08-05

Other Resources

There are mountains of pages over on Learn@IGP how we actually create ePub3 packages with IGP:Digital Publisher and Formats On Demand.

IGP:Digital Publisher ePub3 Packaging Options

IGP:Formats On Demand ePub3 Processing Options

IGP:Formats on Demand. ePub3 Fixed Layout Setup

... and of course the various blog posts.


That should be enough information to give the why details behind the observations (criticisms), plus warnings  on the observations (criticisms themselves). We live in changing times. 

Observation (criticism) in isolation and observation (criticism) based on practioner experience developing production systems, reading systems, compensating for other reading system weirdness are two different things.

Observation (criticism) that has over 12 months of supporting narrative while delivering thousands of books to at least hundreds of thousands of users who don't even know they are using ePub3 is constructive.

The purpose of any of my comments to other production houses and publishers is assistance of how to suck the juice out the ePub3 specification and leave the pith. It is opinion built on experience and really giving a damn about content engagement excellence.

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