This is the Infogrid Pacific blog on digital content in general. It is primarily authored by Richard Pipe, CEO of Infogrid Pacific. Other staff may occassionally contribute articles.

The Infogrid Pacific blogs are primarily informational, announcements and some opinion. How-to tutorials and instructional information is maintained on the Infogrid Pacific resources sites:

apex.infogridpacific.com ➤. Online tutorials, and technical information articles.

learn.infogridpacific.com ➤. The online manuals for Infogrid Pacific software solutions.

Technical Information

This is a static site "pseudo" blog which has a bit of Javascript assistance. It is hosted on an AWS bucket and costs less than $0.10 per month to operate. Comments are provided by the Disqus service.

To find articles of interest use the Search Bar and limit the search results to Domain = www.

A number of articles have been transferred from the original Typepad blog and are available here. Most of the other articles are so old they are only of historical value in the context of digital content strategies.

The how-to blogs have been dropped in favour of the APEX@IGP and LEARN@IGP articles and topics. These are maintained and updated documents unlike blog articles which are written and cast into the Internet. Blog posts do give links to tutorial and product documentation articles.

This blog uses embedded WOFF fonts. It uses the full set of Open Sans fonts including five weights and condensed fonts. If you have a slow link the pages may appear empty while the fonts are loading. If your brower doesn't support WOFF fonts you could see anything.

About the Author

I am Richard Pipe. I have been directly working with digital content production and solutions since 1993. Through the early 90s it was interactive CD-ROMs, then onto the Internet in 1996. I set up Versaware India in 1998, growing to 3000 employees in 2001. We have always been dedicated to publisher content production and delivery. My focus has always been on the long-term value and reusability of digital content.

We sold out of the Versaware originated businesses in 2004 and opened Infogrid Pacific in 2005 as a smaller operation to focus on best technology solutions for publishers including production, archiving, distribution and fulfilment.

We have tended to work 2-3 years ahead of the curve but with the acceleration of digital content that gap is narrowing, which is good for us and our clients.

However it's is not possible for everything to be cold and clinical. Digital content strategies are built on correct knowledge, good information, powerful adaptable tools, and a clear direction for the long-term ownership of valuable digital content. We provide all of that. Publishers have to bring change-management skills to the table to put effective digital content strategies into place.

With more experience under the belt than just about anyone out there, I feel a need to express an opinion now and then.

Sometimes anecdotes, experiences and case studies are more informative and useful than how-to information.

Infogrid Pacific on Wikipedia

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