How To Get Custom XML to Print & eBook Formats Easily

15 May 2017

Publishers, book production, XML, XML Import, Custom XML Import

IGP:Digital Publisher can directly convert custom XML books into IGP:FoundationXHTML and have them instantly ready for Print and e-Book format generation.


IGP:Digital Publisher system is very powerful at file format import uploads. it allows the importing of various XML types including Doc manuscripts, DocBook XML files and HTML files.

IGP:Digital Publisher can directly convert custom XML into IGP:FoundationXHTML and have the books instantly ready for Print and e-Book format generation. This is a fast, efficient and accurate way to quickly create maintainable XHTML and make digital content ready for the future.

IGP:FoundationXHTML is designed to address the widest possible spectrum of content ownership requirements for publishing and republishing valuable content into multiple formats for multiple uses, while controlling digital content complexity and publisher costs.

Process to convert Custom XML to format

You can convert your Custom XML file into Print or eBook formats in just a few simple steps.

Creating a Custom XML Importer

Creating a custom XML importer is a very easy job with IGP:Digital Publisher. There is a user interface available in the system to easily create a custom XML importer.

An IGP:Digital Publisher user can create multiple manuscript importers depending upon their requirement; and these importers can then be managed through the administration system.

The system uses XSLT to translate XML files into IGP:FoundationXHTML. And the user can create a custom XSLT translation for their custom importer. The system uses four XSLT files in the conversion process from DocBook xml file in the system. This is very fundamental way of markup file conversion to XHTML.

IGP:Digital Publisher has a standard DocBook XML conversion using CSV file element, attribute, value mapping and modification in the user interface. This means custom DocBook or TEI variants can be easily handled for consistent and quality importing and conversion to IGP:FoundationXHTML.

Content Editing & Structure Styling

After complete the successful import process the user can immediately launch their document in IGP:Writer to review the import process. IGP:Writer is the tagging & content editing interface for IGP:Digital Publisher. Users have a powerful set of tools and features in IGP:Writer which make sophisticated digital content editing, tagging and production very easy.


Generate Print and eBooks Formats

IGP:Digital Publisher provides one-click format output functionality. However, before generating any required format outputs the user is required to set processing instructions for the desired output. This is because different formats have different generation requirements depending on the content that is being processed.

Document Processing Instructions provide the ability to customise the major format generation features for most formats. The document Processing Instruction Setup interface is designed to break a complex operation into a set of relatively simple and straight-forward choices and tasks. It is also designed to be extensible as new format requirements emerge, and customizable for specific publisher requirements. This means it handles the complexities of Academic, Education, Institutional and Government content as well Trade books.

Generate Formats

After selecting the appropriate Document Processing Instructions options, the user is free to generate the required formats from the Formats on Demand interface of “IGP:Digital Publisher”.

In Conclusion

Many publishers have collections of XML tagged books which cannot easily be turned into modern formats or reused without spending a lot of money. We are working with a number of publisher XML "victims" in 2017 who need to more easily get their content out in new formats.

IGP:Digital Publisher offers a complete solution to this very large problem:

  1. Convert the XML whether DocBook, TEI or custom XML to IGP:FoundationXHTML and have it stored in IGP:Digital Publisher ready for instant use.
  2. Generate all required formats at any time. That means print, eBook and online publishing in a fast changing content delivery world.
  3. Ensure your content is tagged so it is ready for NOW and the future and you don't have to pay "XML consultants" over and over again.

Our mantra is "It is not what you do that matters; it's how you do it. Digitize Once. Use forever".

While XML is excellent for many purposes such as metadata and highly structured content, it is a "hell-hole" for any type of publisher content. Often publishers cannot see a way out and end up doing nothing with their XML content.

IGP:Digital Publisher provides a simple path to economical and practical publisher content production, reuse and publishing for the future. 

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